Contempt of Court

Submitted by _Jacqui_Marro
Judge holding book and gavel with scales of justice behind her

Process Overview


       Step 1


                  •  Learn what can be enforced and when.


        Step 2


                  • One parent files to enforce. 
                  •  The case is reopened.


       Step 3


                  •  The other parent responds.


Wait for the Court.

  • The court may decide the request (case closed). Or,
  • The court may schedule a hearing (go to Step 4).



        Step 4


                  •  The parents get ready for a hearing.

       Step 5


                  •  The parents present information to the Judge.
                  •  The Judge makes a final decision.


After the Final Decision


Learn how and when you can:


  • Get the other parent to follow the Final Decision.



  • Change the Final Decision.
  • Note - You may need to wait two years before the court will consider another change.



  • Have a higher court review the Final Decision.