Process Overview
Note - Only use this process if the child is in danger when with the other parent.
1. Background
- What does this case do?
- Restricts a parent's time with a child.
- Temporarily changes the parenting plan during this emergency.
- When can I file?
The other parent endangers:
- Child's emotional wellness. Or,
- Child's physical wellness.
You must provide specific examples in your motion/affidavit.
2. Forms
- All Court Forms
- Individual Forms
JDF 1406 - Motion to Restrict Parenting Time
JDF 1416 - Supporting Affidavit
JDF 1424 - Order
JDF 1315 - Response
3. Hearing
The Court may deny the motion or hold a hearing.
- The court will hold an emergency hearing within 14 days.
- The other parent's response is due by the hearing date.
4. Decision
If the court grants the motion:
- It will set the conditions for returning back to the normal parenting plan.
- It may hold status conferences to track the restricted parent's progress.
After the Final Decision
Learn how and when you can:
- Get the other spouse to follow the Final Decision.
- Change the Final Decision.
- Have a higher court review the Final Decision.